Conditionals & Control Flow

Lesson 01/15 – Go With The Flow

[code lang=”python”]
def clinic():
print "You’ve just entered the clinic!"
print "Do you take the door on the left or the right?"
answer = raw_input("Type left or right and hit ‘Enter’.").lower()
if answer == "left" or answer == "l":
print "This is the Verbal Abuse Room, you heap of parrot droppings!"
elif answer == "right" or answer == "r":
print "Of course this is the Argument Room, I’ve told you that already!"
print "You didn’t pick left or right! Try again."


Lesson 02/15 – Compare Closely!

[code lang=”python”]</p>

<h1>Assign True or False as appropriate on the lines below!</h1>

<p>bool_one = True</p>

<p>bool_two = True</p>

<p>bool_three = False</p>

<p>bool_four = False</p>

<p>bool_five = False

Lesson 03/15 – Compare… Closelier!

[code lang=”python”]</p>

<h1>Assign True or False as appropriate on the lines below!</h1>

<p>bool_one = False</p>

<p>bool_two = True</p>

<p>bool_three = False</p>

<p>bool_four = True</p>

<p>bool_five = False

Lesson 04/15 – How the Tables Have Turned

[code lang=”python”]</p>

<h1>Create comparative statements as appropriate on the lines below!</h1>

<h1>Make me true!</h1>

<p>bool_one = 5 == 5</p>

<h1>Make me false!</h1>

<p>bool_two = 4 == 5</p>

<h1>Make me true!</h1>

<p>bool_three = 20 + 3 &amp;lt; 25</p>

<h1>Make me false!</h1>

<p>bool_four = 23 – 13 == 20</p>

<h1>Make me true!</h1>

<p>bool_five = (20 + 10) * 2 &amp;gt;= 60

Lesson 05/15 – To Be and/or Not to Be

[code lang=”python”]

<h2>Boolean Operators</h2>

<p>True and True is True
True and False is False
False and True is False
False and False is False</p>

<p>True or True is True
True or False is True
False or True is True
False or False is False</p>

<p>Not True is False
Not False is True</p>


Lesson 06/15 – And

[code lang=”python”]
bool_one = False</p>

<p>bool_two = False</p>

<p>bool_three = False</p>

<p>bool_four = True</p>

<p>bool_five = True

Lesson 07/15 – Or

[code lang=”python”]
bool_one = True</p>

<p>bool_two = True</p>

<p>bool_three = False</p>

<p>bool_four = True</p>

<p>bool_five = False

Lesson 08/15 – Not

[code lang=”python”]
bool_one = False</p>

<p>bool_two = True</p>

<p>bool_three = True</p>

<p>bool_four = True</p>

<p>bool_five = False

Lesson 09/15 – This and That (or This, But Not That!)

[code lang=”python”]
bool_one = False</p>

<p>bool_two = True</p>

<p>bool_three = True</p>

<p>bool_four = True</p>

<p>bool_five = False

Lesson 10/15 – Mix ‘n’ Match

[code lang=”python”]</p>

<h1>Use boolean expressions as appropriate on the lines below!</h1>

<h1>Make me false!</h1>

<p>bool_one = not True</p>

<h1>Make me true!</h1>

<p>bool_two = True or not True</p>

<h1>Make me false!</h1>

<p>bool_three = False and False</p>

<h1>Make me true!</h1>

<p>bool_four = True or not (True or False)</p>

<h1>Make me true!</h1>

<p>bool_five = False or True

Lesson 11/15 – Conditional Statement Syntax

[code lang=”python”]
response = "Y"</p>

<p>answer = "Left"
if answer == "Left":
print "This is the Verbal Abuse Room, you heap of parrot droppings!"</p>

<h1>Will the above print statement print to the console?</h1>

<h1>Set response to ‘Y’ if you think so, and ‘N’ if you think not.</h1>


Lesson 12/15 – If You’re Having…

[code lang=”python”]
def using_control_once():
if 0 == 0:
return "Success #1"</p>

<p>def using_control_again():
if 8 &amp;lt; 9:
return "Success #2"</p>

<p>print using_control_once()
print using_control_again()

Lesson 13/15 – Else Problems, I Feel Bad for You, Son…

[code lang=”python”]
answer = "’Tis but a scratch!"</p>

<p>def black_knight():
if answer == "’Tis but a scratch!":
return True
return False # Make sure this returns False</p>

<p>def french_soldier():
if answer == "Go away, or I shall taunt you a second time!":
return True
return False # Make sure this returns False

Lesson 14/15 – I Got 99 Problems, But a Switch Ain’t One

[code lang=”python”]
def greater_less_equal_5(answer):
if answer &amp;gt; 5:
return 1
elif answer &amp;lt; 5:
return -1
return 0</p>

<p>print greater_less_equal_5(4)
print greater_less_equal_5(5)
print greater_less_equal_5(6)

Lesson 15/15 – The Big If

[code lang=”python”]
def the_flying_circus():
if True and True:
return True
elif 9 != 9:
return False
return "Nothing"

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