
Lesson 01/19 – What Good are Functions?!

[code lang=”python”]
def tax(bill):
"""Adds 8% tax to a restaurant bill."""
bill *= 1.08
print "With tax: %f" % bill
return bill

def tip(bill):
"""Adds 15% tip to a restaurant bill."""
bill *= 1.15
print "With tip: %f" % bill
return bill

meal_cost = 100
meal_with_tax = tax(meal_cost)
meal_with_tip = tip(meal_with_tax)

Lesson 02/19 – Function Junction

[code lang=”python”]

Define your spam function starting on line 5. You

can leave the code on line 11 alone for now–we’ll

explain it soon!

def spam ():
"""prints eggs"""
print "Eggs!"

Define the spam function above this line.


Lesson 03/19 – Call and Response

[code lang=”python”]
def square(n):
"""Returns the square of a number."""
squared = n**2
print "%d squared is %d." % (n, squared)
return squared

Call the square function on line 9! Make sure to

include the number 10 between the parentheses.



Lesson 04/19 – Parameters and Arguments

[code lang=”python”]
def power(base, exponent): # Add your parameters here!
result = base**exponent
print "%d to the power of %d is %d." % (base, exponent, result)

power(37,4) # Add your arguments here!

Lesson 05/19 – Functions Calling Functions

[code lang=”python”]
def one_good_turn(n):
return n + 1

def deserves_another(n):
return one_good_turn(n) + 2

Lesson 06/19 – Practice Makes Perfect

[code lang=”python”] def cube(n):
return n ** 3
def by_three(n):
if n % 3 == 0:
return cube(n)
return "False"

Lesson 07/19 – I Know Kung Fu

[code lang=”python”]

Ask Python to print sqrt(25) on line 3.

print sqrt(25)

Lesson 08/19 – Generic Imports

[code lang=”python”]

Ask Python to print sqrt(25) on line 3.

import math
print math.sqrt(25)

Lesson 09/19 – Function Imports

[code lang=”python”]

Import just the sqrt function from math on line 3!

from math import sqrt

Lesson 10/19 – Universal Imports

[code lang=”python”]

Import everything from the math module on line 3!

from math import *

Lesson 11/19 – Here Be Dragons

[code lang=”python”]
import math # Imports the math module
everything = dir(math) # Sets everything to a list of things from math
print everything # Prints ’em all!

Lesson 12/19 – On Beyond Strings

[code lang=”python”]
def biggest_number(*args):
print max(args)
return max(args)

def smallest_number(*args):
print min(args)
return min(args)

def distance_from_zero(arg):
print abs(arg)
return abs(arg)

biggest_number(-10, -5, 5, 10)
smallest_number(-10, -5, 5, 10)

Lesson 13/19 – max()

[code lang=”python”]

Set maximum to the max value of any set of numbers on line 3!

maximum = max(2, 5)

print maximum

Lesson 14/19 – min()

[code lang=”python”]

Set minimum to the min value of any set of numbers on line 3!

minimum = min(12, 256, 568161)

print minimum

Lesson 15/19 – abs()

[code lang=”python”]

absolute = abs(-42)

print absolute

Lesson 16/19 – type()

[code lang=”python”]

Print out the types of an integer, a float,

and a string on separate lines below.

print type(42)
print type(4.2)
print type("spam")

Lesson 17/19 – Review: Functions

[code lang=”python”]

def shut_down (s):
if s.upper() == "YES":
return "Shutting down…"
elif s.upper() == "NO":
return "Shutdown aborted!"
return "Sorry, I didn’t understand you."


Lesson 18/19 – Review: Modules

[code lang=”python”]

import math
print math.sqrt(13689)


Lesson 19/19 – Review: Built-In Functions

[code lang=”python”]

def distance_from_zero(x):
if type (x) == int:
return abs(x)
elif type(x) == float:
return abs(x)
return "Not an integer or float!"


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